You can use samples to group information related to a biosample, including input files, output files, and runs.
Samples are automatically created with associated FASTQ data when using the Instrument Integration flow.
Add a New Sample
To add a new sample, do as follows.
Select your project, and then select Samples from the project menu.
To add a sample from an existing project, select Link Sample, and then select the sample to add.
To add a new sample, select New Sample, and then enter a unique name and description for the sample.
To include files related to the sample, select Add data to sample.
Your sample is added to the Samples page. You can start a new run from the sample by selecting the sample, and then selecting Start new run. To view information on the sample, select the sample, and then select Open Details.
Add Files to Samples
You can add additional files to a sample after creating the sample. Any files that are not currently included in a sample are listed on the Unlinked Files tab.
To add an unlinked file to a sample, do as follows.
Select your project, and then select Samples from the project menu.
Select the Unlinked Files tab.
Select a file or files, and then select one of the following options:
Create sample from selection — Create a new sample that includes the selected files.
Link to existing sample — Select an existing sample in the project to link the file to.
Last updated