
To use the CLI, you must log in to verify your identity.

ica login <myusername>@<>

You will be prompted to enter your password. After authentication, you will be issued a JWT. The JWT is valid until the timeout configured by the domain admin. When your JWT expires, you must log in again. You may choose to log out sooner than that by using the logout command.

ica logout

All Illumina Informatics Platform services require a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication.

To generate a token from the CLI, first login using the following command (example assumes a Unix command line):

$ ica login <> -d <domainName>
Username: <>
Domain: <domainName>
Enter Password:

Enter your password at the interactive prompt, which should return: "Login successful!"

After successfully logging in, create a token with the following command:

ica tokens create

The resulting token may then be used to access ICA endpoints. The token provides access to your ICA account and should therefore be kept confidential at all times. Many other options are available for the ica command. Enter ica tokens create -h for more information.


To login to a project, use the --project-name option.

$ ica login --project-name EXAMPLE
Domain: stratus
Project: EXAMPLE
Enter Password:
Successful login into your project context

To see available projects, use the projects list command.

$ ica projects list
ID                                     NAME                    OWNER
bee8b157-3e41-45ff-a605-c2851EXAMPLE   EXAMPLE                 b7817b38-104d-314b-87ac-8d9f2EXAMPLE

To enter a project after logging in, use the projects enter command.

$ ica projects enter EXAMPLE
Context switched to EXAMPLE


It's recommended to use projects instead of workgroups when creating and modifying resources for compatibility with the platform GUI

To login to a workgroup, use the --workgroup-name option.

$ ica login --workgroup-name EXAMPLE
Domain: stratus
Workgroup: EXAMPLE
Enter Password:
Successful login into your workgroup context

To list available workgroups:

$ ica workgroups list
ID                                      NAME            DESCRIPTION
5b3d02eb-386c-30f1-b80d-93d3fEXAMPLE    EXAMPLE         EXAMPLE

To enter a workgroup after logging in, use the workgroups enter command.

$ ica workgroups enter EXAMPLE
Context switched to EXAMPLE

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