Delivery Targets

The platform event service provides mechanisms to deliver system events to delivery targets including:

  • Amazon SNS

  • Amazon SQS

  • Workflow Execution Service (WES)

Amazon Resource Policy Settings

In order to allow the platform to deliver events to Amazon SQS or SNS delivery targets, a cross-account policy needs to be added to the target Amazon service.

         "Resource": "<arn>"

Substitute the variables in the example above according to the table below.



The platform AWS account ID: 079623148045


For SNS use SNS:Publish. For SQS, use SQS:SendMessage


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target SNS topic or SQS queue

See examples for setting policies in Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS

Amazon SNS Topic

To create a subscription to deliver events to an Amazon SNS topic, use the --aws-sns-topic flag from the CLI.

$ ica subscriptions create --name aws-sns-example --type tes.runs --actions updated --aws-sns-topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:<aws-account-id>:<sns-topic>
actions.0                           updated
deliveryTarget.awsSnsTopic.topicArn arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:<aws-account-id>:<sns-topic>
id                                  sub.EXAMPLE
matchIdentities.0                   cid:EXAMPLE
name                                aws-sns-example
type                                tes.runs

Amazon SQS Queue

To create a subscription to deliver events to an Amazon SQS queue, use the --aws-sqs-queue flag from the CLI.

$ ica subscriptions create --name aws-sqs-example --type tes.runs --actions updated --aws-sqs-queue<account>/EXAMPLE
actions.0                           updated
id                                  sub.EXAMPLE
matchIdentities.0                   cid:EXAMPLE
name                                aws-sqs-example
type                                tes.runs

WES Workflow

To create a subscription to trigger a WES workflow, use the --workflow-id, --workflow-version, --workflow-run-name, and --workflow-run-input flags.

$ ica subscriptions create --name aws-sqs-example --type tes.runs --actions updated --workflow-id wfl.EXAMPLE --workflow-version EXAMPLE --workflow-run-name wes-run-example --workflow-run-input input.json
actions.0                                          updated                wfl.EXAMPLE
deliveryTarget.workflowRunLaunch.input.customInput example              wes-run-example
deliveryTarget.workflowRunLaunch.version           EXAMPLE
id                                                 sub.EXAMPLE
matchIdentities.0                                  cid:EXAMPLE
name                                               aws-sqs-example
type                                               tes.runs

Last updated