Command Index


$ ica analysisdatasets --help
The root command for actions that act on analysis datasets in GSS

  ica analysisdatasets [flags]
  ica analysisdatasets [command]

Available Commands:
  list        Get list of analysis datasets

  -h, --help   help for analysisdatasets

analysisdatasets list

$ ica analysisdatasets list --help
Get a list of analysis datasets to which you have access.

  ica analysisdatasets list [flags]

      --analysis-run-id strings   optional parameter. Set to filter the analysis datasets list and only include analysis datasets associated with the provided analysis runs
  -h, --help                      help for list
      --include strings           include options
      --max-items int             maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --page-size int32           optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string         page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string            specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")


$ ica completion --help
Generates bash completion scripts
        to load completion run the following on a bash shell prompt

        . <(ica completion)

        To configure your bash shell to load completions for each session add to your bashrc

        # ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile
        . <(ica completion)

  ica completion [flags]

  -h, --help   help for completion


  ica config [flags]
  ica config [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Get configuration information
  set         Set configuration information

  -h, --help   help for config

config get

Get configuration information.

  ica config get [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

config set

Set configuration information.

  ica config set [flags]

  -h, --help   help for set


  ica files [flags]
  ica files [command]

Available Commands:
  archive     Archives a gds file
  create      Create a file
  delete      Delete file(s) from GDS
  download    Download the specified file
  get         Get file info
  list        Get list of files
  unarchive   Unarchives a gds file
  update      Get upload credentials and optionally set type for a specified file
  upload      Upload a file

  -h, --help   help for files

files archive

Archives a gds file.  Files in archived, archiving or unarchiving state will not be included in filter for batch action.

  ica files archive [file id or gdspath, or gdspath filter for batch action] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for archive
      --tier string   storage tier [archive, deepArchive] (default "archive")

files create

Create a file in GDS to get upload credentials.  File gdspath should be of form gds://{volumeName}/{path}.

  ica files create [file gdspath] [flags]

      --acl strings       Comma delimited list of acls on which to filter the list
  -h, --help              help for create
      --set-type string   explicitly set file type
      --with-access       return object store access

files delete

Delete file(s) from GDS.  Files in archiving or unarchiving state will not be included in filter for batch action.

  ica files delete [file id or gdspath, or gdspath filter for batch action] [flags]

      --force   force delete without prompts
  -h, --help    help for delete

files download

Download the specified file

  ica files download [file id or gdspath, or gdspath filter for batch action] [local path] [flags]

  -h, --help                 help for download
      --num-workers int      number of workers to parallelize.  Default calculated based on CPUs available.
      --tenant-id string     tenant identifier of the resource(s)
      --tenant-name string   Optional field to reference shared resources in another tenant, mapping config in ~./ica/.tenants.yaml

files get

Get file info, including presigned url

  ica files get [file id or gdspath] [flags]

  -h, --help                 help for get
      --tenant-id string     tenant identifier of the resource(s)
      --tenant-name string   Optional field to reference shared resources in another tenant, mapping config in ~./ica/.tenants.yaml

files list

Get a list of files to which you have access.  A filter path is required of form gds://{volumeName}/{path}

  ica files list [gdspath to use as filter] [flags]

      --acl strings             Comma delimited list of acls on which to filter the list
      --archive-status string   filter by archive status comma seperated list of any of [None, Archived, Archiving, Unarchiving].  Default includes all
  -h, --help                    help for list
      --is-uploaded string      filter for files that have either been uploaded or are not yet uploaded [true or false].  Default includes all
      --max-items int           maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --nonrecursive            Optional field to specify that resources should not be returned recursively in and under the specified paths. Only returns resources directly in the specified paths
      --page-size int32         optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string       page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string          specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")
      --tenant-id string        tenant identifier of the resource(s)
      --tenant-name string      Optional field to reference shared resources in another tenant, mapping config in ~./ica/.tenants.yaml
      --with-access             return object store access

files unarchive

Unarchives a gds file.  Only files in archived state will  be included in filter for batch action.

  ica files unarchive [file id or gdspath, or gdspath filter for batch action] [flags]

  -h, --help           help for unarchive
      --speed string   restore speed [standard, economy] (default "economy")

files update

  ica files update [file id or gds path] [flags]

  -h, --help              help for update
      --set-type string   explicitly set file type
      --with-access       return object store access

files upload

Upload a file to GDS.  If the target path does not already exist, it will be created automatically.

  ica files upload [LOCAL-PATH] [gdspath] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for upload


This is the root command for actions that act on folders in GDS.

  ica folders [flags]
  ica folders [command]

Available Commands:
  archive     Archive folder from GDS
  copy        Copy a folder
  create      Create a folder
  delete      Delete folder from GDS
  get         Get folder info
  jobs        Folder job actions
  list        Get list of folders
  sessions    Folder session actions
  unarchive   Unarchive folder from GDS
  update      Get upload credentials for an existing folder
  upload      Upload a folder

folders archive

Archive folder from GDS

  ica folders archive [folder id or gdspath] [flags]

  -h, --help          help for archive
      --tier string   storage tier [archive, deepArchive] (default "archive")

folders copy

Copy a folder from a source folder to another existing parent folder.  Folders should be of the form gds://{volumeName}/{path}.

  ica folders copy [source_folder gdspath] [target_parent_folder gdspath] [flags]

  -h, --help                 help for copy
      --tenant-id string     tenant identifier of the resource(s)
      --tenant-name string   Optional field to reference shared resources in another tenant, mapping config in ~/.ica/.tenants.yaml

folders create

Create a folder in GDS to get upload credentials

  ica folders create [folder gdspath] [flags]

      --acl strings   Comma delimited list of acls on which to filter the list
  -h, --help          help for create
      --with-access   return object store access

folders delete

  ica folders delete [folder id or gdspath] [flags]

      --force   force delete without prompts
  -h, --help    help for delete

folders get

  ica folders get [folder id] [flags]

  -h, --help                 help for get
      --tenant-id string     tenant identifier of the resource(s)
      --tenant-name string   Optional field to reference shared resources in another tenant, mapping config in ~./ica/.tenants.yaml

folders jobs

The root command for actions that act on folder jobs in GDS

  ica folders jobs [flags]
  ica folders jobs [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Get job info

  -h, --help   help for jobs

folders jobs get

Get job info

  ica folders jobs get [folder id] [job id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

folders list

  ica folders list [gdspath to use as filter] [flags]

      --acl strings          Comma delimited list of acls on which to filter the list
  -h, --help                 help for list
      --max-items int        maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --nonrecursive         Optional field to specify that resources should not be returned recursively in and under the specified paths. Only returns resources directly in the specified paths
      --page-size int32      optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string    page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string       specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")
      --tenant-id string     tenant identifier of the resource(s)
      --tenant-name string   Optional field to reference shared resources in another tenant, mapping config in ~./ica/.tenants.yaml

folders sessions

The root command for actions that act on folder sessions in GDS

  ica folders sessions [flags]
  ica folders sessions [command]

Available Commands:
  complete    Complete a session
  get         Get session info

  -h, --help   help for sessions

folders sessions complete

Complete a session

  ica folders sessions complete [folder id] [session id] [uploaded file count] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for complete

folders sessions get

Get session info

  ica folders sessions get [folder id] [session id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

folders unarchive

Unarchive folder from GDS

  ica folders unarchive [folder id or gdspath] [flags]

  -h, --help           help for unarchive
      --speed string   restore speed [standard, economy] (default "economy")

folders update

Get upload credentials for an existing folder

  ica folders update [folder id or gds path] [flags]

      --acl strings   Comma delimited list of acls on which to filter the list
  -h, --help          help for update
      --with-access   return object store access

folders upload

Upload a folder to GDS

  ica folders upload [LOCAL-PATH] gds://{volume}/{path} [flags]

  -h, --help              help for upload
      --num-workers int   number of workers to parallelize.  Default calculated based on CPUs available.


The root command for actions that act on GA4GH resources.

  ica ga4gh [flags]
  ica ga4gh [command]

Available Commands:
  trs         GA4GH TRS API compliant commands
  wes         GA4GH WES API compliant commands

  -h, --help   help for ga4gh

ga4gh trs

The root command for actions that act on GA4GH Tool Registry Service resources.

  ica ga4gh trs [flags]
  ica ga4gh trs [command]

Available Commands:
  metadata     Return some metadata that is useful for describing this registry
  tool-classes Get detailed info about a tool
  tools        GA4GH tool repository actions

ga4gh trs metadata

Return some metadata that is useful for describing this registry

  ica ga4gh trs metadata [flags]

  -h, --help   help for metadata

ga4gh trs tool-classes

Get detailed info about a tool

  ica ga4gh trs tool-classes [flags]

  -h, --help   help for tool-classes

ga4gh trs tools

The root command for GA4GH-compliant actions that act on the tool registry.

  ica ga4gh trs tools [flags]
  ica ga4gh trs tools [command]

Available Commands:
  get         Get detailed info about a tool
  list        List all tools
  versions    GA4GH tool version actions

ga4gh trs tools get

Get detailed info about a tool

  ica ga4gh trs tools get [tool id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

ga4gh trs tools list

List all tools

  ica ga4gh trs tools list [flags]

      --author string         The author of the tool
      --description string    The description of the tool.
  -h, --help                  help for list
      --id string             A unique identifier of the tool, scoped to this registry
      --limit int32           Amount of records to return in a given page. By default it is 1000 (default 1000)
      --name string           The name of the image.
      --offset string         Start index of paging. Pagination results can be based on numbers or other values chosen by the registry implementor (for example, SHA values). If this exceeds the current result set return an empty set. If not specified in the request this will start at the beginning of the results.
      --organization string   The organization in the registry that published the image.
      --registry string       The image registry that contains the image
      --toolname string       unique identifier of the tool, scoped to this registry

ga4gh trs tools versions

The root command for GA4GH-compliant actions that act on the tool versions.

  ica ga4gh trs tools versions [flags]
  ica ga4gh trs tools versions [command]

Available Commands:
  descriptor  Get the tool descriptor (CWL/WDL) for the specified tool. Get additional tool descriptor files (CWL/WDL) relative to the main file.
  dockerfile  Get the dockerfile for the specified image.
  get         List one specific tool version, acts as an anchor for self references
  list        List versions of a tool
  tests       Get an array of test JSONs suitable for use with this descriptor type.

  -h, --help   help for versions

ga4gh trs tools versions descriptor

Get the tool descriptor (CWL/WDL) for the specified tool. Get additional tool descriptor files (CWL/WDL) relative to the main file.

  ica ga4gh trs tools versions descriptor [tool id] [version id] [type] [optional relative-path] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for descriptor

ga4gh trs tools versions dockerfile

Get the dockerfile for the specified image.

  ica ga4gh trs tools versions dockerfile [tool id] [version id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for dockerfile

ga4gh trs tools versions get

List one specific tool version, acts as an anchor for self references

  ica ga4gh trs tools versions get [tool id] [version id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

ga4gh trs tools versions list

List versions of a tool

  ica ga4gh trs tools versions list [tool id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for list

ga4gh trs tools versions tests

Get an array of test JSONs suitable for use with this descriptor type.

  ica ga4gh trs tools versions tests [tool id] [version id] [type] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for tests

ga4gh wes

The root command for actions that act on GA4GH Workflow Execution Service resources.

  ica ga4gh wes [flags]
  ica ga4gh wes [command]

Available Commands:
  runs         GA4GH workflow run actions
  service-info Get information about WES

  -h, --help   help for wes

ga4gh wes runs

The root command for GA4GH-compliant actions that act on workflow runs.

  ica ga4gh wes runs [flags]
  ica ga4gh wes runs [command]

Available Commands:
  cancel      Cancel a running workflow
  create      Run a workflow
  get         Get detailed info about a workflow run
  list        List the workflow runs
  status      Get quick status info about a workflow run

  -h, --help   help for runs

ga4gh wes runs cancel

Cancel a running workflow

  ica ga4gh wes runs cancel [flags]

  -h, --help   help for cancel

ga4gh wes runs create

Run a workflow.

  ica ga4gh wes runs create [flags]

  -h, --help                                help for create
      --workflow-attachment stringArray     The workflow_attachment array may be used to upload files that are required to execute the workflow, including the primary workflow, tools imported by the workflow, other files referenced by the workflow, or files which are part of the input. Specify one flag for each file to include.
      --workflow-engine-parameters string   
      --workflow-params string              The workflow_params JSON object specifies input parameters, such as input files. The exact format of the JSON object depends on the conventions of the workflow language being used. Input files should either be absolute URLs, or relative URLs corresponding to files uploaded using workflow_attachment.
      --workflow-type string                The workflow_type is the type of workflow language and must be CWL or WDL currently (or another alternative supported by this WES instance).
      --workflow-type-version string        The workflow_type_version is the version of the workflow language submitted and must be one supported by this WES instance.
      --workflow-url string                 The workflow_url is either an absolute URL to a workflow file that is accessible by the WES endpoint, or a relative URL corresponding to one of the files attached using workflow_attachment

ga4gh wes runs get

Get detailed info about a workflow run

  ica ga4gh wes runs get [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

ga4gh wes runs list

List the workflow runs

  ica ga4gh wes runs list [flags]

  -h, --help                help for list
      --page-size int       The preferred number of workflow runs to return in a page (default 10)
      --page-token string   Token to use to indicate where to start getting results. If unspecified, return the first page of results.

ga4gh wes runs status

Get quick status info about a workflow run

  ica ga4gh wes runs status [flags]

  -h, --help   help for status

ga4gh wes service-info

Get information about the GA4GH-compliant Workflow Execution Service

  ica ga4gh wes service-info [flags]

  -h, --help   help for service-info


Help provides help for any command in the application.
Simply type ica help [path to command] for full details.

  ica help [command] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for help


This command logs the end user into the cli and starts their session. User can use their credentials or pass a session token they have already obtained.

  ica login [username] [flags]

      --api-key string          api-key for authentication
      --auth-url string         single-sign on authentication server address (default "")
  -d, --domain string           Optionally pass the domain name you are logging into
  -h, --help                    help for login
      --local-port int          local port for single-sign on authentication flow (default 8282)
      --project-id string       project ID to set current project context
      --project-name string     project name to set current project context
      --session-token string    session token for authentication
      --sso                     use single-sign on
      --workgroup-id string     workgroup ID to set current workgroup context
      --workgroup-name string   workgroup name to set current workgroup context


This command logs the end user out of the cli by revoking the session. Additionally, it will prompt the user to revoke and remove the JWT token from the session config

  ica logout [flags]

  -h, --help   help for logout


This is the root command for actions that act on projects

  ica projects [flags]
  ica projects [command]

Available Commands:
  enter       Enter project context
  exit        Exit project context
  list        List projects

  -h, --help                help for projects
      --page-token string   page token used for retrieving paged list results

projects enter

This command sets the user to the project context.

  ica projects enter [project name] [flags]

  -h, --help                   help for enter
      --session-token string   session token for authentication

projects exit

This command switches the user back to their personal context

  ica projects exit [flags]

  -h, --help                   help for exit
      --session-token string   session token for authentication

projects list

This command lists the projects for the current user

  ica projects list [flags]

  -h, --help   help for list


The root command for actions that act on samples in GSS

  ica samples [flags]
  ica samples [command]

Available Commands:
  analysisdatasets Get list of analysisdatasets for a sample
  get              Get sample info
  list             Get list of samples
  registerdata     Register data for a sample

  -h, --help   help for samples

samples analysisdatasets

Get a list of analysis datasets for a samples to which you have access.

  ica samples analysisdatasets [sample id] [flags]

  -h, --help                help for analysisdatasets
      --include strings     include options
      --max-items int       maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --page-size int32     optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string   page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string      specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")
      --type strings        analysis dataset types requested

samples get

Get sample info

  ica samples get [sample id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

samples list

Get a list of samples to which you have access.

  ica samples list [flags]

  -h, --help                  help for list
      --max-items int         maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --name string           filter by name
      --page-size int32       optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string     page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --project-name string   filter by projectName
      --sort-by string        specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")

samples registerdata

Register data for a sample

  ica samples registerdata [flags]

      --analysis-datasets string            path to JSON list of one or more analysis datasets that should be associated with the analysis
      --external-analysis-run-id string     Optional external ID for the analysis run
      --external-project-id string          optional external ID for the project associated with the sample (only when a new sample is being created)
      --external-sample-id string           optional external ID to associate with the sample (only when a new sample is being created)
  -h, --help                                help for registerdata
      --project-name string                 projectName of the sample (when IDentifying sample by Name+ProjectName)
      --sample-id string                    optional Sample ID of the sample (if name based matching is not being used)
      --sample-name string                  optional name of the sample (when IDentifying sample by Name+ProjectName)
      --skip-copy-files-to-project-volume   optional. If true, skip copying files to the project volume if the ProjectName matches a known project context
      --total-dataset-count int32           total number of datasets that are being registered as part of the same ExternalAnalysisRunId
      --total-sample-count int32            total number of samples that are being registered as part of the same ExternalAnalysisRunId


The root command for actions that act on subscriptions in ENS.

  ica subscriptions [flags]
  ica subscriptions [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a subscription
  delete      Delete subscription info
  get         Get subscription info
  list        Get list of subscriptions

  -h, --help   help for subscriptions

subscriptions create

Create a subscription in ENS

  ica subscriptions create [optional path to createSubscriptionRequest] [flags]

      --actions strings             Actions which will be subscribed to for the event type
      --aws-sns-topic string        ARN for the AWS SNS topic
      --aws-sqs-queue string        URL for the AWS SQS queue
      --description string          Optional description for the subscription
      --filter-expression string    JSON-structured filter expression for events matching the subscription
  -h, --help                        help for create
      --name string                 Name of the subscription
      --type string                 Event type which will be subscribed to
      --workflow-id string          ID of the workflow to launch
      --workflow-run-input string   Input for the workflow run
      --workflow-run-name string    Name for the workflow run
      --workflow-version string     Version of the workflow to launch

subscriptions delete

Get subscription info

  ica subscriptions get [subscription id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

subscriptions get

Get subscription info

  ica subscriptions get [subscription id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

subscriptions list

Get a list of subscriptions to which you have access.

  ica subscriptions list [flags]

      --event-type string   filter by event type
  -h, --help                help for list
      --max-items int       maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --page-size int32     optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string   page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string      specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")


The root command for commands that act on tasks in TES

  ica tasks [flags]
  ica tasks [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a task
  get         Get task info
  list        Get list of tasks
  runs        Task Run actions
  update      Update a task
  versions    Task Version actions

  -h, --help   help for tasks

tasks create

Create a task in TES

  ica tasks create [optional path to createTaskRequest] [flags]

      --description string   description of the task
  -h, --help                 help for create
      --name string          name of the task

tasks get

Get task info

  ica tasks get [task id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

tasks list

Get a list of tasks to which you have access.

  ica tasks list [flags]

  -h, --help                help for list
      --max-items int       maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --page-size int32     optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string   page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string      specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")

tasks runs

The root command for actions that act on task runs in TES

  ica tasks runs [flags]
  ica tasks runs [command]

Available Commands:
  abort       Abort a task run
  create      Create and launch a single instance of a task run
  get         Get information for a specific task run
  list        Get list of task runs
  list        Get list of task runs
  logs        Download log files generated by a task run
  output      List output directories for a specific task run

  -h, --help   help for runs

tasks runs abort

Abort a task run

  ica tasks runs abort [task run id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for abort

tasks runs create

Create and launch a single instance of a task run

  ica tasks runs create [path to json CreateTaskRunRequest or pipe json to command] [flags]

      --description string   description of the task run
      --execution string     path to the execution details of the task run
  -h, --help                 help for create
      --name string          name of the task run

tasks runs get

Get information for a specific task run

  ica tasks runs get [task run id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

tasks runs list

Get list of task runs

  ica tasks runs list [flags]

  -h, --help                help for list
      --max-items int       maximum number of items to return, use 0 for no limit (default 50)
      --page-size int32     optimizes listing operations by limiting the number of items retrieved with each API call (default 1000)
      --page-token string   page token used for retrieving paged list results
      --sort-by string      specifies the order to list items (default "timeCreated Desc")
      --status string       filter by status

tasks runs logs

Download log files generated by a task run to the destination folder

  ica tasks runs logs [task run id] [dest path] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for logs

tasks runs output

List output directories for a specific task run

  ica tasks runs output [task run id] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for output

tasks update

Update a task in TES

  ica tasks update [task id] [optional path to updateTaskRequest] [flags]

      --description string   description of the task
  -h, --help                 help for update
      --name string          name of the task

tasks versions

The root command for actions that act on task version in TES

  ica tasks versions [flags]
  ica tasks versions [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a new version for a specified task
  get         Get information for a specific task and version
  launch      Launches a specific task version with the specified arguments
  list        Get list of versions for a given task
  update      Update a version for a specified task

  -h, --help   help for versions

tasks versions create

Create a new version for a specified task

  ica tasks versions create [task id] [optional path to createTaskVersionRequest] [flags]

      --description string   description of the task version
      --execution string     path to execution details of the task version
  -h, --help                 help for create
      --version string       version name of the task version

tasks versions get

Get information for a specific task and version

  ica tasks versions get [task id] [version id] [flags]
