
The Data section within a project shows files and folders in specific locations in the underlying storage service. Upon creating a project, a "home" GDS volume is created with a name based on the project name with the following modifications:

  • Spaces removed

  • All lowercase

Files uploaded to this home volume will appear in the UI. In addition to the home volume, all pipelines launched from the UI will result in a new volume, with a name matching the pipline run Run ID field found in the Run Details view. Files and folders (excluding .log files) contained in these volumes will also show in the project Data section. Lastly, when samples are generated using the Instrument Integration flow, the underlying sample files are stored in a new volume with a name matching the sample ID (hidden). When adding data to a project to be seen via the UI, use the project's home volume.

For more information on uploading and downloading data, see Data Transfer.

View Data

On the Data page, you can view information on or preview files.

To view file data, do as follows.

  1. Select a file to view.

  2. Select one of the following viewing options:

    • Data Details — View information on the data.

    • View — Preview the file. You can also preview the file content by selecting the file on the Data page, and then selecting View

See table in Data Formats section for file formats compatible with preview.

Schedule for Download

You can trigger an asynchornous download via service connector using the Schedule for Download button with one or more files selected.

  1. Select a file or files to download.

  2. Select Schedule for Download.

  3. Select a connector, and then select Schedule for Download.

You can view the progress of the download or stop the download on the Activity page for the project.

Export Project Data Information

The data records contained in a project can be exported in CSV, JSON, and excel format.

  1. Select one or more files to export.

  2. Select Export.

  3. Select the following export options:

    • To export only the selected file, select the Selected rows as the Rows to export option. To export all files on the page, select Current page.

    • To export only the columns present for the file, select the Visible columns as the Columns to export option.

  4. Select the export file type

Data Lifecycle Management

Uploaded files are automatically added to hot storage. You can use files in hot storage in your analysis. Your files are archived and deleted automatically by dates determined by your storage bundle. You can change the dates or manually delete or archive files.

To change automatic archive and delete dates, do as follows.

  1. Double-click the file to edit dates for.

  2. Select the calendar next to Date to be Archive and Date to be Deleted to select new dates.

  3. Select Save.

To manually archive or delete files, do as follows.

  1. Select the checkbox next to the file or files to delete or archive.

  2. Select Manage, and then select one of the following options:

    • Archive — Move the file or files to long-term storage.

    • Unarchive — Remove the file or files from long-term storage. Unarchived files can be used in analysis.

    • Delete — Remove the file completely.

You can perform analysis on data from other projects by linking data from that project.

  1. Select Manage, and then select Link Data.

  2. To view data by project, select Add filter, and then select Projects.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the file or files to add.

  4. Select Select Data.

Your files are added to the Data page. To view the linked data file, select Add filter, and then select Links.

Data Format

File data records have an assigned ICA format. When a file is uploaded, the format is automatically detected and assigned based on the file extension. If a file is uploaded with a file extension that is not in the auto-assignment rules, the ICA format UNKNOWN will be assigned.

The following table provides the ICA format auto-assignment rules and compatibility with the preview in UI.

ICA FormatFile ExtensionPreview








.vcf, .vcf.gz, .hard-filtered.vcf.gz, .cnv.vcf.gz



.tar, .v8.tar, tar.gz, .tgz
































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