Config Settings

The ICA CLI accepts configuration settings from multiple places, such as environment variables, configuration file, or passed in as command line arguments. When configuration settings are retrieved, the follow precedence is used to determine which setting to apply:

  1. Command line options - Passed in with the command such as --access-token

  2. Environment variables - Stored in system environment variables such as ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN

  3. Custom config file - Passed in using the --config-file global command line option

  4. Default config file - Stored by default in the ~/.ica/config.yaml on macOS/Linux or C:\Users\USERNAME\.ica\.config on Windows

Command Line Options

The following global flags are available in the CLI interface:

-a, --access-token string    access token used to authorize commands
-c, --config-file string     config file (default "/Users/me/.ica/config.yaml")
-h, --help                   help for ica
-o, --output-format string   output format (default "table")
-s, --server-url string      server url to direct commands

Environment Variables

Environment variables provide another way to specify configuration settings. Variable names align with the command line options with the following modifications:

  • Upper cased

  • Prefix ICA_

  • All dashes replaced by underscore

For example, the corresponding environment variable name for the --access-token flag is ICA_ACCESS_TOKEN.

Config File

Configuration settings can be stored in a custom configuration file or in the default configuration file. The following settings can be placed in the config file:

max-items: 50
page-size: 1000
sort-by: "timeCreated Desc"
access-token: token
output-format: table
domain: accounts
sso: false

Last updated